EMP Lodge Series (Book 3): Dark Defiance Page 10
“Done!” she declared, holding the ball up and turning it over in her hand.
Wyatt put his book down, “She is going to love it. Is the big game tomorrow?”
She nodded, “I think that would be good. We'll go hunting in the morning, take care of what needs to be done and then have a big ball game. It will be good for all of us. Those guys need a little joy in their lives.”
Wyatt had told her about the ruins. Megan's heart went out to Tara and Amy. She wanted them to feel welcome. Amy needed to do normal things like play ball with other kids.
“We need to mix up the teams a bit. I don't want it to be us against them. That is only going to divide us,” she said thoughtfully.
“Good plan. Let's get some sleep so we aren't dragging our butts around the bases tomorrow.”
She laughed, “You will be dragging. I am as fast as lightning!”
“Sure Flash Gordon, sure. Go to bed.”
Everyone rushed through their morning chores the following day. There was a lot of buzz about the upcoming baseball game. Rosie and Willow were preparing an old fashioned barbecue to eat after the game.
The old manual meat grinder had been pulled out. The fresh venison was being ground up. It was a 2-man job cranking the grinder. Tara was busy making buns and a potato salad—without the mayo. It smelled and looked delicious with lots of fresh herbs tossed with olive oil. The traditional potato salad would not be missed with this replacement.
The excitement in the camp was palpable. Everyone laughed and actually seemed excited to get their chores done. Even the kids were more than happy to stack firewood, with Ryland taking on the chore of splitting tiny pieces of kindling.
“Mom, we're all done. Is it time yet?” Caitlin asked.
Megan was just finishing up cleaning the outhouse area. With so many people in the house, it was painfully obvious they were going to need to build another outhouse and fast, before the ground froze.
“Almost, sweetie. I think Wyatt went out to get Albert and Brenda from their watch posts. He should be back any minute. Did you find those old pieces of carpet?”
“Yep, me and Amy got them all set up, just like you told us. We have all the bases and a place for the pitcher,” she said with pride.
“Wow, you really are ready to go. Okay, go tell everyone to meet on the ball field in 15 minutes for our first annual softball game.”
Caitlin looked at her, “It isn't actually a ball field, mom. We just moved some stuff and put the bases down. I think it is pretty small.”
Megan laughed, “Well, it is our ball field and that is all that matters.”
Once she was finished with the outhouse, she walked quickly back to the house. Rosie had filled the breakfast bar with stacks of fresh buns, lettuce and they actually had a bottle of ketchup. Sandra had thinly sliced potatoes and cooked them in the oven to create baked potato chips. Two fresh apple pies were also set out.
A plate of sliced squash was sitting at the end, ready to be put on the grill. Grilled squash was one of her favorites. A stack of grilled corn drew her attention. They didn't have butter, but they wouldn't need it. The food was going to be the main event.
It was going to be a real feast.
“Did you make the score board?” Megan asked.
“Amy and Caitlin did earlier,” Rosie told her. “This is a really great idea, Megan. It is just what we all needed.”
Tara smiled, “Thank you so much for doing all of this. I haven't seen Amy really happy in a long time. This is all so fun. It feels so normal to have a big barbecue. I can't believe we actually have hamburgers. My mouth is watering at the thought of biting into one of those!”
“Me too. It has definitely been a while. Funny how it is those little things you miss,” Megan answered.
“Okay, well, if you ladies are finished, let's head out and get this game started.”
Duke barked. He was just as excited.
“You better come out with us, mister. I don't want you tearing into those burgers before we get a chance.”
He barked again.
“Fine, I will let you have a little bite of mine, but that's it,” Megan rubbed his ears to help lessen the blow of being denied a hamburger.
“Hey, you guys ready?” Wyatt said opening the back door.
“Yep, we were just headed out. Did you get Albert and Brenda?”
He nodded, “They were hesitant, but I told them they can play an hour or so. We have gone much longer in the past with no one on watch.”
“Okay. Did you get the team roster?” she asked. He had taken on the task of dividing up the group into even teams.
He smiled, “Yep and you are not on my team so you better watch out.”
She rolled her eyes, “You forget I was an All-Star. You don't scare me a bit.”
Jack met them on the edge of the field, “You sure about this?”
Megan gave him a quick hug, “It's fine, Jack. We have to have some fun. This is going to be good for everyone. It's just an hour.”
Jack looked at Wyatt, who silently begged him with his eyes to just let them enjoy this one little piece of normal.
“Okay, but don't go crying to my mom when I beat your batting average.”
Megan giggled and took off running to towards her team that was already lining up in the outfield.
“Don't you go crying to her when you get beat by a girl. Both of you!” she shot back as she took her place on the pitcher's mound.
Megan took a moment to breathe in the fresh air. She missed this. She missed standing on a pitcher's mound. She missed being carefree. She took a moment to look around her. Everyone was talking and laughing.
This was perfect. They would give themselves an hour to unwind before they had to go back to their chores and responsibilities. Surely fate wouldn't be so cruel as to pick this exact moment to send in the raiders?
Chapter Twenty One
“You're out!” Greg shouted at Jackson who had just missed touching the base before Wyatt caught the ball at second.
Megan danced on the pitcher mound. Her team was up by 2.
“Remember Wyatt, no cry--”
Her taunt was interrupted by the sound of gunfire. It was an automatic weapon. No, her brain registered. It was several automatic weapons.
David who had been at first base fell face forward into the dirt. Screams erupted all around her. She stood on her pitcher's mound in complete shock.
What was happening?
Wyatt's hand was quickly on her own, dragging her towards the lodge.
It was then it all clicked. They were under attack. Men were coming out of the trees, spraying bullets from their automatic weapons.
“Caitlin! Caitlin!” she screamed.
“Mom has her. They ran for the lodge already. Megan, we have to move!”
Megan raced behind Wyatt as fast as her legs would carry her.
“Get in position! Everyone, get in position!” Wyatt screamed over and over.
Through the chaos, Megan saw people scattering in different directions. They had talked about what they would do if they were attacked. It looked like everyone remembered.
Wyatt threw open the mud room door. He grabbed the gun that was propped in the corner.
“Get up there, Megan. Take as many out as you can!”
She nodded and raced through the house. She saw Rosie shutting the secret door in the kitchen and prayed Caitlin had made it into the safe room.
She took the stairs two at a time. Her corner was waiting. She grabbed the gun that had been put against the wall for this exact reason. It took her less than a second to dislodge the wood and get the barrel into position.
Megan took a deep breath, peered through the scope, found a target and pulled the trigger. He dropped.
She quickly reloaded, slid the bolt action into place and looked through the scope. She spotted Jack in hand-to-hand combat with one of the bad guys. She hesitated. If she fired and missed, she would hit Jack.<
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As she watched the two men fighting, she saw Jack throw his head back in pain before putting a hand on his leg. The brief pause in the fighting gave her the window she needed. She took the shot. It hit the man in the shoulder, causing him to drop the knife and retreat.
It would have to do. Megan quickly reloaded and looked for another target. It appeared they were all retreating. She wanted to take out as many as she could before they fled to safety.
Another shot and another man dropped to the ground, just before he got to the safety of the trees.
She reloaded and looked through the scope. There was no movement. She scanned the area.
Wyatt was walking towards Jack who was limping towards the lodge. He put his arm around Jack before shouting. She couldn't hear the words.
He looked directly at her, even though he couldn't actually see her, and waved. The attack was over.
Megan slowly pulled the barrel back in and replaced the gun in its designated corner. Her legs were shaking. She didn't know if she could walk on them. They felt like jello. The surge of adrenaline that had drove her up the stairs had left in one swift whoosh. Now, she was left feeling shattered and empty.
She slowly walked to the stairs. Gripping the handrail, she made her way back down. Her eyes saw the flurry of activity as people ran around grabbing towels and blankets. There was blood all over one man who had been laid out on the kitchen table. The table where they were to enjoy their feast.
Wyatt came through the door, supporting Jack. He dropped him in a chair at the breakfast bar before running towards the secret door.
Rosie, Willow and the kids slowly walked out.
Megan stood at the halfway point on the staircase, watching everything unfold. It reminded her of watching one of those old silent movies. She could see mouths moving, but she heard nothing.
“Megan? Megan, are you hit?” Wyatt was standing right in front of her.
He grabbed her face with both hands, “Did you get shot? You're bleeding. Where are you hit?”
She heard his words, but surely she hadn't been shot. She didn't feel any pain. She was numb, actually.
He turned her head to the side and then turned her around to look at her back.
“I think you were grazed by a bullet. Looks like it went right by your ear. You have a small cut above your ear. Mom will take care of it. Come on, we need to check for wounded.”
He grabbed her hand and started to pull her down the stairs. She didn't move.
“Megan, we need to take care of the others.”
He said the words firmly and in a way that cut through the fog in her brain.
She blinked several times.
“Wounded. Got it. Let's go.”
She followed him down the stairs, watching Rosie try in vain to save David who was laying lifeless on the kitchen table.
Wyatt walked over to his mom and gently pulled her hand away from the man's bleeding stomach.
“Mom, there are others who need you right now. He's gone.”
Megan stared at the dead man on the kitchen table. Her mind refused to accept what was unfolding. She looked at Jack who had a dishtowel pressed to his thigh. It was soaked in blood. All of the food was sitting on the center island. It was a start contrast to what was happening all around the kitchen.
“Mommy,” Caitlin whimpered. “Mommy, I'm scared.”
Megan looked over to see Caitlin standing against the wall by her bedroom door.
“Oh baby, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Don't worry. It's all going to be okay.”
Amy was curled up on the floor next to Caitlin. Ryland was doing his best to soothe her. Frankie stood off to the side. There was a blank stare on his face. Megan could tell he was in shock. The kid had seen far too much death and destruction.
“Ryland, I need you to take the girls upstairs. You know where my gun is, right?”
The adolescent stood tall, put his shoulders back and nodded, “Yes, ma'am.”
“You take them up there and if you hear anything down here, you get them into your mom's bathroom. Take the gun. Shoot anybody that tries to get through the door.”
Ryland nodded, “Got it.”
“Thank you, Ryland. I really appreciate you being so brave. Caitlin, Amy, you girls follow Ryland and do as he says.”
She turned to Frankie, “Frankie, can you please help Ryland? I need you to keep being brave.”
The little boy looked at her, his bottom lip quivered, “I will. I can be brave.” He looked down at his feet, “But, I'm really scared.”
Megan wrapped her arms around him, “It's okay to be scared. We're all scared. You just stick with these guys and we will make sure no one gets in here, okay?”
Frankie rubbed the back of his hand across his eyes, “Okay. I'll be brave. Please hurry back, though. I don't want to be alone.”
“Oh, honey. You won't be alone. You see all these people here? They are all going to be right here. If you have any problems, you go see that guy,” she said pointing to Jack.
“Alright, go on upstairs and we will all be back soon.”
“Megan, let's go,” Wyatt said from the door.
She quickly walked to the door. He handed her the .45.
“Just in case they aren't all gone,” he told her.
She hoped they weren't all gone. She wanted to shoot them all.
Albert was outside the mudroom door, leaning against it. Blood was trickling down his arm.
“Albert, where you hit?” Wyatt asked.
The man shook his head and used his good arm to wave him off, “Just a flesh wound. I was just trying to catch my breath.”
“Anyone else out here that needs help?”
Albert looked away, “Sandra, but she didn't make it. I tried to get her inside, but it was too late.”
Megan gasped. “No!”
Wyatt cursed.
“Get inside. My mom will get you patched up. We're going out to see if anyone else needs help.”
Wyatt and Megan walked towards the ball field.
Tara stumbled out of the trees, “Amy?” her voice was barely above a whisper.
“She's fine. She is upstairs with Ryland and Caitlin,” Megan assured her. “Are you okay?”
Tara nodded, “Ya, I took off running at the first sounds of gunfire. I got to my weapon, but I froze.”
She looked mortified.
“It's okay, hon. It's over now. Head into the house. They could use all the help they can get in there,” Wyatt told her in a soothing voice.
They continued walking. Jackson and Evan were knelt over one of the men Megan remembered shooting. It was the man who had been fighting Jack.
“Is he dead?” Wyatt asked.
“Yep. Just getting his gun and ammo.”
Wyatt turned to look at Megan, “You?”
She nodded. Seeing the man lay dead in front of her should have bothered her. The bullet had hit him in the chest. It was a perfect shot. That was what she focused on rather than the fact she killed a man.
Megan noticed the man's bloody hand. The knife he stabbed Jack with was laying just a few inches away.
The knife handle had blood smeared on it, as did the blade. But it wasn't just blood she saw. It was rust and what appeared to be dried blood. The man had stabbed Jack with a rusty knife.
“He stabbed Jack with that knife,” Megan said, looking directly at Wyatt.
Wyatt looked at the knife and grimaced.
“I'll let my mom know. She can't stitch that leg up. It will definitely cause a serious infection. As it is, we need to make sure she loads him up with all the medicine she can find.”
“I hit another one too,” she said, looking around the area already switching gears. “There was another guy around here.”
She didn't want to panic, but if he had gotten up, she would be very mad at herself. She had thought she delivered a kill shot. Maybe she was wrong.
Jackson stood, “W
e already took his gun. He's over there. Clean shot to the head.” He was very serious, but gave her a quick smile, “You are a hell of a shot, Megan. I am glad we are on the same side.”
“Thanks. I just wish I could have gotten more.”
The group started walking back to the lodge, “Is everyone accounted for?” Evan asked.
“Yes. David and Sandra are dead. Albert was shot, but will recover. Jack was stabbed. There are a couple of other minor injuries, but nothing that won't heal,” Wyatt informed him.
They walked in silence. Each of them caught up in their own thoughts.
“We better get busy digging graves. Is there anywhere in particular you want them?” Jackson asked.
Megan was shocked at his all-business demeanor, but then remembered they had been through this several times already.
“Man, I hadn't even thought of that. I don't want it close to the lodge,” Wyatt said, rubbing his face as he thought about it.
“How about on the far end of the garden? That area under the trees,” Megan suggested.
Wyatt nodded, “That works.”
“We'll grab the shovels and get busy. Maybe have someone prepare a speech so we can get this over with. The sooner we put this behind us, the sooner we can move forward,” Jackson said.
“I didn't know David at all. Maybe one of you? Tara will probably want to take care of the eulogy for Sandra,” Wyatt told them.
Megan could see it was weighing on him.
When they left Jackson and Evan, she grabbed him and pulled him in for a bear hug.
“It wasn't your fault. Don't try and shoulder all the responsibility here,” she told him.
He squeezed her tight, “I should have known better. I should have left someone on watch. I was naive to think it would all be okay. It was a mistake I will never make again. We need to get Brenda out on watch, right away. They could be out there right now, reloading and preparing for another attack.”
She shook his head, “I doubt it. They ran out of here pretty quick the second we started shooting back.”